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I know that pay is different for each country and a lot depends on what the local economy looks like but how does a teacher know what school to send an application to and which school they should be wary? Tried looking up the pay for a couple of schools but couldn't find any information. Is there a site that might have this information that I have not found?
Dave The big recruiting agencies (Search, ISS, COIS) maintain school profiles including salary information for their School profiles. You have to be a teacher candidate registered with them though to access it.

Some schools post their salary information online, usually because they pay so well or better then anyone else in the region, that its...See More
Jun 22, 2012
looking around On 6/22/12, Dave wrote: > The big recruiting agencies (Search, ISS, COIS) maintain > school profiles including salary information for their School > profiles. You have to be a teacher candidate registered with > them though to access it. > > Some schools post their salary information online, usually > because they pay so well o...See More
Jun 23, 2012
Dave Hiring for international schools starts way back in November. Most of the elite schools have their hiring down in January after the Bangkok fair. The tier one schools are generally done by February after the Boston fair. Its just really late in the game. You didnt say what region your interested in, or what you teach, but there just isnt a lot left...See More
Jun 23, 2012
looking around Looking at the Tokyo or Yokohama area in grade school. Waiting it out for the next hiring season but worried that there won't be a lot of vacancies because of the strong Yen and teachers are earning more when they convert it to dollars or what ever their home currency.

On 6/23/12, Dave wrote: > Hiring for international schools starts w...See More
Jul 19, 2012

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