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If you know a non-profit organization, read below see how to win a $1,000 to give to a charity (it will also be nice for the award too; only a 500 word essay):

DEADLINE: Nominations must be submitted between September 17 - October 25, 2012.

Kaplan University will honor one exemplary team in six public service categories that demonstrates the following qualities:

Energy and passion for making a difference in the lives of others Enthusiasm for public service and a commitment to go above and beyond to exceed expectations

Strong team spirit and collaboration between all members of the team

We are asking you to help us identify teams that meet these criteria through your nominations. You can nominate a team of two or more by:

Submitting a one-page summary (500 words maximum) of how the team demonstrates empowerment in one of the public service categories and fulfills the qualities above.

Each winning te...See More

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