Teachers Abroad
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I will have 8 years of teaching experience by the end of th year, and plan on attending a fair to try n get an international job. My three biggest concerns are: 1.) Social life- I am a single male, with no firends abroad. So I would want a place where I can meet people (even other teachers my age) whom I can befriend and where I can have an active dating life (I just read that Cairo is a no-no for dating, for example). 2.) Competitive salaries. I am earning a pretty decent csalary given my experience right now, and would want the best compensation possible. 3.) Safety- I'm not trying to get kidnapped or something.
TeacherMan Hi Sean,

There are numerous countries in the world where a single, male teacher can have an active social life. A few to consider- Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Ukraine, Peru, Ecuador and Argentina. If your risk tolerance is a bit higher consider Venezuela and Mexico.

I'm sure oth...See More
Nov 8, 2012

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