Teachers Abroad
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I'm interested in teaching abroad (elementary) for the 2014- 2015 school year, so I'm getting my references, resume, etc. ready. However, I want to know if agencies like ISS, Teach Away, and others are worth paying for. I don't mind paying the $100+ dollars for the advice and to attend the fairs if they are worth while. So, should I invest or just apply to International Schools on my own?? Thanks for the help and advice.
Jo On 7/24/13, Nicole wrote:

> I'm interested in teaching abroad (elementary) for the

> 2014- 2015 school year, so I'm getting my references,

> resume, etc. ready. However, I want to know if agencies

> like ISS, Teach Away, and others are worth paying for. I

> don't mind paying the $100+ dol...See More
Jul 24, 2013

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