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I keep hearing we need to be technology literate to keep
our students interested in today world.

Can you help me out with this idea? I often use
PowerPoint with imbedded videos. What else is there? I
have access to other software, but do not really see their
advantage. If I were concerned with an online class,
maybe, but why use anything other than PowerPoint in the
traditional classroom?

What skills do you think I need as a high school science
teacher to create a 20th century classroom?

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Nik On 3/23/08, zodea wrote: > I keep hearing we need to be technology literate to keep > our students interested in today world. > > Can you help me out with this idea? I often use > PowerPoint with imbedded videos. What else is there? I > have access to other software, but do not really see their > advantage. If I were concerned ...See More
Jul 16, 2008
techteach I would disagree with the "tech-driven" aspect. It's not about the technology. It's about students becoming producers of information and not just consumers of information. If your lesson is about the technology, then you're on the wrong track. The biggest mistake to be made in a "21st century classroom" is to let the tech drive the instruction. Sel...See More
Mar 3, 2009
Future O.K. Yes, students need to learn content. But, what I see happening at my school is that technology is going backwards. The teachers and administration quit doing the morning tv news show and now have it over the intercom.....They want to dismantle the lab and allow the teachers to teach the technology(Lol- in other words get rid of the technology)...See More
Mar 16, 2009
techteach I would say you are correct in that the regular ed teacher should be doing some of the "tech" teaching along with the content. But my point still stands. Kids need to learn WITH technology, not learn technology. Learning a gadget and gizmo does virtually nothing for them in the work force anyhow. Using technology tools to transform how a lesson is ...See More
May 27, 2009
Joe Frost erhaps I've missed some of the communication regarding this topic, but it seems we might begin with their site: [link removed].

I disagree with the philosophy espoused by the comments "Kids need to learn WITH technology, not learn technology." It doesn't seem logical for students to learn WITH something they haven't been taught how to use....See More
Jun 8, 2009

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