Tech Coordinators
5 Members

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I have been looking for a tech coordinator job since I got my M.A. 2 years ago.

I have 8 years experience, off and on working on computers, and have built my own testing lab with *nix based servers.

How many computer languages are enough? I'm learning python and PHP in case I need to develop applications for my potential schools. Are other languages more desirable (ruby, tcl etc...?)

How in depth should I go into server builds? I can do simple SAMBA/NFS, LAMP, DHCP/Bind ...etc. (I'm FOSS centered :) )

Do you have to maintain DMZs/site wide security, backup solutions for your school(s)?

I'm sorry if I have a lot of questions, I'm still learning...

Thank you
Leah You may want to post on the Administrators Chatboard.

Also, reading the following MAY provide some ideas even though it's for prospective elementary teachers.On 7/02/08, Whitestar wrote: > I have been looking for a tech coordinator job since I got > my M.A. 2 years ago. > > I have 8 years experience, off and on working on >...See More
Jul 2, 2008

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