Third Grade
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I am searching for ideas for a western theme for back t o school....bulletin boards, read alouds, projects, poems, whatever really! Any suggestions?

I do plan on making wanted posters with my kiddos but would love some ideas.

Laurin It would be really cute if you had the students draw their own wanted posters and had them use adjectives to describe themselves. This would be fun and educational. You could do this during the first week of school so the students could get to know each other! You could create a bulletin board showing the ecosystem of the desert. You might not be t...See More
Jul 10, 2011
Lisa Fogarty Hi Laurin-my aide and I did a western theme last year for our 3/4 combo class. I don't know how to upload photos on this site but if you send me your email address I can send them to you. We also did Wanted posters that turned out really cute by taking the kids' pictures letting them wear a cowboy hat, bandanna, and mustache if they wanted. We prin...See More
Jul 11, 2011

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