Third Grade
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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lease help! I'm changing grade levels from K to 3rd and I'm starting to think about my new classroom. Can someone please tell me what classroom jobs they have in their classroom? In K we had a lot of jobs, so that every student could have a job, but I know that probably will not be possible in 3rd with a class of about 25ish. Thank you
andwulf I've used this idea in first and probably will continue to use it this year in 3rd grade. I have a helper (call it what you want) for the entire day. That one person does EVERYTHING for me! The kids know they will get a turn and I don't have to come up with a system remembering who has done what job!
Jul 13, 2011
cateach3 Bless you. What a brilliant (and simple) suggestion. Managing jobs in the classroom is one of my least favorite things to spend my energy on. C.

On 7/13/11, andwulf wrote: > I've used this idea in first and probably will continue to use > it this year in 3rd grade. I have a helper (call it what you > want) for the entire day. Tha...See More
Jul 13, 2011
dc On 7/12/11, Jennifer wrote: > Please help! I'm changing grade levels from K to 3rd and > I'm starting to think about my new classroom. Can someone > please tell me what classroom jobs they have in their > classroom? In K we had a lot of jobs, so that every student > could have a job, but I know that probably will not be > possible...See More
Jul 13, 2011
JK2 On 7/12/11, Jennifer wrote: > Please help! I'm changing grade levels from K to 3rd and > I'm starting to think about my new classroom. Can someone > please tell me what classroom jobs they have in their > classroom? In K we had a lot of jobs, so that every student > could have a job, but I know that probably will not be > possible...See More
Jul 16, 2011

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