Third Grade
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Hi, I will be teaching a group of about 25-28 3rd graders in SC...would love to have a group of students about the same size.

Barb On 7/27/11, TBD wrote: > Hi, I will be teaching a group of about 25-28 3rd graders > in SC...would love to have a group of students about the > same size. > > Teri

Teri, I'm sure my students would really enjoy getting to know your students. My class size hasn't been finalized yet, but I expect it to be between 22-27 students...See More
Jul 28, 2011
TBD Barb,

This sounds wonderful. There is quite a contrast because we live in a small rural area. My email is Teri.[email removed]


On 7/28/11, Barb wrote: > On 7/27/11, TBD wrote: >> Hi, I will be teaching a group of about 25-28 3rd graders >> in SC...would love to have a group of students about the >&g...See More
Jul 29, 2011

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