Third Grade
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Last year I had a huge problem with bathroom use during class. I gave each student 2 freebies a day and then rewarded students with classroom bucks for any freebie not used. It still didn't matter. I then took 5 minutes away for each time after the 2. Students didn't care. They would do anything to get out of working on assignments. I even had the constant out of seat getting drinks, and getting tissues. It was such a tiresome problem. The kids would have so much unfinished work that it spiraled out of control. For the most part, it never got returned to school, or there were never enough recesses to complete it. I also hated having to correct the late work after I had already corrected the rest of the class' work. I find this so frustrating and I need help!! What have you done with bathroom, drinks, and tissue use?
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Carmen Sanchez On 8/15/11, Jenny wrote: > Last year I had a huge problem with bathroom use during > class. I gave each student 2 freebies a day and then > rewarded students with classroom bucks for any freebie not > used. It still didn't matter. I then took 5 minutes away > for each time after the 2. Students didn't care. They > would do anythin...See More
Aug 20, 2011
paula My students can go to the bathroom as long as the pass is hanging. The pass is put on their desk, and they can go during work time, not teaching time.

I encourage water bottles at their seats. I do not restrict drinking, unless the student has it in their mouth like a pacifier, and I have them put it down.

Tissues are on my table ...See More
Aug 21, 2011
DPC You can add "pencils" to this list. I have found expectations set at the beginning of the year, so that these issues don't spiral out of control, is the most impactful. The bathroom, tissue, pencil issue also changes each year depending on the class....some years much easier than others.

On 8/15/11, Jenny wrote: > Last year I had a hug...See More
Aug 26, 2011
Pstricia Murray Our students have WR break twice a day at assigned times. If a student has a doctor's note, they can use the washroom as needed--if Johnny is going to the WR 19 times I call home and ask the parent how often s/he goes at home. If a kid feel s/he is going to vomit they leave the rooom w/out permission. Emergencies that arise are dependent on my disc...See More
Aug 29, 2011
mrs.h Kids can come to my class right away and ask to go to the bathroom and they drop their backpacks. I let them go during our 1 hour class only in emergency. I have a drinking fountain in my room, but don't let them use it. I tell them to bring a water bottle! Then they can take a drink whenever they want!

Tissues :) I used to keep my trash ...See More
Aug 29, 2011

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