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Hi - I do a "free form" Friday at the end of the day for about 45 minutes. I like to play some kind of game or do some kind of activity. I am stumped for tomorrow as I don't have any new ideas. Can anyone help me with this? I have already done Jeapordy, Around the World, 7-up.

Thanks, Sheila
Lisa I've played Fit Wars...all it requires is a pack of cards. I don't know if it will last 45 minutes. I've done it for 15-20 min.

Just like the card game War, two players (we actually use teams) have an equal number of cards (we use about 10-15) and turn up the top card at the same time. The card with the higher value wins and the player ta...See More
Jan 16, 2009
4th Learning games: You can play BINGO using vocabulary words from any subject area. I have the kids fold a piece of paper until they have sixteen sections. I give them a list of words to choose from--more than 16--and they write them randomly in the squares. You can play four in a row, four corners, cover all, etc. The kids love it and it's a good way...See More
Jan 17, 2009
Lizzie 4th Throughout the year, I have been teaching my kiddos how to play a few store bought games, and they'v enjoyed the following:

Apples to Apples - I bought the Jr. version and just divided the decks of cards among the groups. It's fun AND they learn some vocabulary.

Scattegories - To play this game with the whole class, I copied the c...See More
Jan 17, 2009
Leah Some of the following ones can be used. Be sure to click on part 2
Jan 23, 2009

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