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Hello! I teach fourth grade and I have a student who can verbally tell me a personal narrative with great detail including dialogue. However, it comes out on paper like second grade work. What tips do you have that would encourage him to get his great story down on paper? It's very dry and his sentences are simple. He could be a great writer if he could get those great thoughts down on paper. Thanks!
Linda/OH This is certainly a common struggle for many students. One effective way is to model how you think and record exactly what you're saying in your mind onto the overhead, chart paper or smartboard for students to see. Starting with prewriting helps too. Either a graphic organizer, web, or list to show you're getting down some ideas before you start t...See More
Jan 16, 2009
DR On 1/16/09, Linda/OH wrote: > This is certainly a common struggle for many students. One > effective way is to model how you think and record exactly > what you're saying in your mind onto the overhead, chart > paper or smartboard for students to see. Starting with > prewriting helps too. Either a graphic organizer, web, or > list...See More
Jan 16, 2009
m Something I do with my students who are stronger verbally is to have them dictate their story or piece of writing. You can record it with old cassette recorders, or if you have recording software and a mic for your computer, you can do it that way. I allow my students to use the computer to record their stories, and then they transcribe them by typ...See More
Jan 17, 2009
paulaj Is it hard for him to phusically write? If so, have him dicate the story into a tape recorder to play back or be transcribed.

Also, remind the studnet to write like you talk.

Good luck.
Jan 21, 2009

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