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Just wondering - how much time do you spend working on school related activities? I try to spend as much time as possible (planning, grading, organizing) but run out of things to do...feel like I must be doing something wrong.

How much time does a good teacher spend on the job?

-Thanks in Advance...
Cullen I think it depends on a lot of things... how much experience you have, how much your school provides...

I've posted before about how much time I spend... it's a lot... and people tend to criticize that and say that they would never do the same. But it depends on what your school gives you. If you've got a great curriculum, teaching is pro...See More
Jan 27, 2009
paulaj How much time does a good teacher spend on the job? > > -Thanks in Advance...

I fill my 8 hours, usually workign through lunch, and sometimes take work home. But normally, after 17 years teaching, I use ONLY the 8 hours.

However, some teachers here, spend an extra 2 hours or more most nights. They do some awesome things, but...See More
Jan 28, 2009

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