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Our 4th grade teachers want to have a fun reading and math day before the big TAKS tests in April. We had a "Writers' Fest" last year where we did all fun writing activities that we wouldn't normally do or have time to do. We decorated our 4th grade hallway and our doors. It was a surprise to the kids. We did it all day long, and it really motivated the kids, so we thought we would extend it this year to have also have a fun reading day and then a fun math day. The way we want to set it up is each teacher (there are 6 of us) would number off their kids 1- 6, so that our kids would get to be with others from the different classes. Then each teacher would take a group and do a fun lesson for about 20-25 min, and then they each group would rotate.

I am needing some fun reading activities and math activities. They need to be fun for the students, but of course they also need to get something out of it. Our themes are mentioned in the subject line, but our activities don't have to ...See More
ma/3/pa Before our state tests I make a bingo game to play with the students. The words are all literary/reading terms such as prefix, antony, author's purpose etc. (I put fancy stickers on each card, often things I have left over from during the year.......sports, music, valentines etc.

Then I read a definition and they find the word. It always s...See More
Jan 29, 2009

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