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I am not sure what to tell my kids. They've been spending their recess times building snow forts. Yesterday there were arguments about who 'owned' which snowballs. Irritating, but usual. We had worked things out by the time school finished and I thought the problems were done.

This morning the students were in a tizzy. Someone had destroyed all their forts and snowmen and all the snow creations they had made on the yard. They were angry and dismayed. They looked for clues and tried to figure out who would have done such a terrible thing.

I found out it was another teacher in the school. He thought it would solve the problem if there were no forts, etc. for the kids to argue about. I did not tell the students, but they have started to deduce this themselves. (They did a pretty good job of putting some clues together.)

I have tried to move them on from this, but I sympathize with them in this case. If I was in Gr 4 and someone destroyed my creation I would b...See More
Leah How did you find out that a male teacher had done it? Did another teacher tell you? Are you sure? Perhaps you could talk with him about him talking with the children. Or, the principal could set a policy on building snow forts.

I'm afraid it a life lesson for the children. Life is sometimes unfair.
Jan 29, 2009
vet teacher Wow. But he destroy the kids - we need to be careful not to pour oil on the fire. He did destroy what they regarded as their property.

Interesting gesture on several levels. How did he 'solve a problem'? Indeed, I'd say he did the opposite of problem solving. Problem solving is putting your heads together and figuring out a solution to th...See More
Jan 29, 2009
staceyu/FL/4th Recess? What is this "recess" you speak of? (Living in a FL county where recess is all but banned.....
Feb 6, 2009

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