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I teach 4th grade and I am concerned about my students' writing performance. I have taught writing for 3 years now, and this is the first year that I have not seen significant growth with my class. We have been talking about writing strategies and processes since the first week of school. Upon returning from the holiday break, we began focusing on the FCAT Writes. We have done several practice timed prompts. We sit in a circle in the room and the students read their papers aloud. Then we offer feedback and score them together. I've made overheads of released test responses that we've looked at together and discussed what score it earned and why. I've talked to other teachers on my grade level and asked for suggestions. I've also asked the school instructional coach and a veteran teacher to both come in at different times to teach lessons to my kids. I wanted my students to see the information presented differently in case I was not saying it clearly or how they needed it presented. ...See More

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