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Is this something you would go to the union for? I don't feel comfortable working with this parent any longer...

If at a parent conference a parent tells you

-she feels you are not qualified to teach her ese student - you don't collaborate enough (even though you have sent her home your quarterly curriculum calendar, an extra set of classroom books, and write a note in her child's planner everyday on what we worked on) - you are not following her child's IEP -she has said twice to me now she wants a different teacher -questions your teaching practice and tells you what should be happening (letting her daughter be in all 3 reading groups so she gets triple dosed), as well as calling "her" for to get ideas for lesson plans
Techer On 1/31/09, -op wrote: You need to let your admin be aware and your union...What you have done already is excessive and YOU need to stand up for yourself as well...Give your research based reasons for doing what you do....I feel sad for the child having a mother like that and I am sorry for you as well. > Is this something you would go to the un...See More
Jan 31, 2009
Jo Is there basis for any of this, especially, are you following the IEP and accommodations? If you feel you are, are you following it the same manner as discussed in the IEP meeting. Many IEP goals and accommodations are vague when written down and the discussion that went into it never gets to those who need to implement it. Problem may be that what...See More
Jan 31, 2009
good luck What would your union do for you in this case?? Go to your principal - why the parent hasn't gone to request another teacher baffles me but you can go and tell the principal. My principal Refused to let me pass off a student mid year though I thought it was in everybody's best interest.

Some parents are harder than others - ever go to a c...See More
Feb 1, 2009

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