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I am getting ready to do a unit on word choice, and I like to start the unit by providing students with a list of overused words found in their writing. Previously, I have used a great handout I got from someone on teachers.net, but I can't find my original. I'm hoping that someone still has a copy that they could share with me. It included words like good, bad, nice, very, and so on, but was a child friendly version (unlike some I am finding on the web). Your help would really be appreciated!
Adrienne I can see the resource sheets in my mind. I searched the web, but didn't find what I was looking for. I tried to post a copy of what I did find, but teachers.net would not accept it because there must be a "forbidden" word embedded in one of the website names. Email me and I will send it to you.
Feb 23, 2009
Gracie Hi Adrienne,

Can you send it to me, I doing a lesson with fifth graders and not finding anything great.

Thanks Gracie

On 2/23/09, Adrienne wrote: > I can see the resource sheets in my mind. I searched the web, > but didn't find what I was looking for. I tried to post a copy > of what I did find, but teachers.net...See More
Mar 6, 2009

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