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I am an early childhood teacher and decided to seek the advice of upper elementary teachers on this topic. My daugher is searching for ideas for a "Cool" science fair project. Her teacher is using the solar system to teach them about how to make charts, etc. Volcanos are already taken as are crystals. IF you have your kids do a Science Fair,,,what is a project you recommend? I would welcome direction so that I can help her...any purchable resources would be great! Thanks. Jackie?K
Janette Is this an experimental or demonstation science fair?

If it's demonstration, how about makign plastic our of milk and vinegar (google it)?

If it's experimental, how about testing all the school drinking fountains to see which has the cleanest water?
Feb 23, 2009
Adrienne This site has terrific inexpensive ideas! Scroll down on the homepage to "Science Experiments." You will see lots of categories and pictures.
Feb 24, 2009
Amanda A demonstration science fair project that is fun involves using a potato as a battery. If your particular school insists on having the elementary science fair involve experimentation rather than demonstration, you can extend the concept to test other fruits and veggies.

Make sure you find out which type of fair is expected. My daughter was...See More
Feb 26, 2009
PedagoNet Have you examined thes
Feb 26, 2009
Selena/4th Try [link removed].

Feb 26, 2009

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