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What would you do? 1. Child steals another's paper and turn it in with her name on it.

2. After being caught, she write an ugly note tO the paper's owner with "I hate YOU! and some other racial remark. She doesn't give the note to the girl, but the girl knows about the note and its contents.

3. The girl disposes of the note in the trash. You pick it up and read after being informed by another student of the contents of the note.

a bit of advice What grade level is this? I may have more consideration for a 3rd grader than a 5th grader in a case such as this. I would talk to the girl one on one. Have a paper of her handwriting as well as the one she handed in that was not hers. Explain to her what she did, that it was wrong and why it is wrong. Then address the note, and the racism. If she ...See More
Feb 28, 2009
- The Teachable Moment Teacher Yes it's no dream but try to look on these things as an opportunity - no kidding. If you can do that, it helps. You and them. The smaller matter is actually stealing the paper - though some would disagree. This is a product of stupidity and - believe it or not, the stealing child still cares about school and its work or she wouldn't have even bothe...See More
Mar 4, 2009

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