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I was considering sending book baggies with leveled reading books home with my students to read and was wondering if other fourth grade teachers do this. I know it is common in primary, but when I mentioned it to my fourth grade team, they didn't seem very receptive. Thanks for your input!
Linda/OH Frankly, I don't personally feel the need. students who need reading materials for home choose and check out those from our take home baskets , but I want them to learn to pick books. It is an important skill. I do some guided reading where I am leveling but they need to know themselves as readers and know how to "shop" for books without me telling...See More
Mar 2, 2009
Here's an idea I would think if you wanted to send home bag books that focused on specific themes that they might be more receptive to them. For example you could have bags that focus on your science, social studies, and/or math standards. This might get the kids excited about the content you are expected to teach. If you have a subscription to something like rea...See More
Mar 2, 2009

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