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Anyone else have known thieves in their classroom? I've had two girls (that I know of) steal from me. One stole a cheap flashlight from our science kit, and the other raided my prize box. I suspect she stole four items, but only found two of the stolen goods in her desk. One wrote an apology letter, the other just got P.O. at me, and tried to lie to my face. I'm just fuming! What would be a natural consequence for this type of behavior? Do I penalize the entire class for the actions of a few? I could eliminate the prize box altogether. Would you contact parents even if these parents would some how blame the teacher for "allowing" it to happen in the first place? Too bad I can't call the cops and have them arrested. I'm just soo irritated I can't even sleep!
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ny/5 A few years ago, I had a girl who robbed me blind -- anything she could take, she would -- scissors, markers, post it notes, rulers -- you name it. I had no idea where all the stuff was disappearing to until her mother came in, returned it, and told me what was going on (mom didn't seem to like her daughter very much - she was very young and it was...See More
Mar 10, 2009
Why can't you report it to the police? Call the non-emergency number for your local PD and explain the situation. Maybe Officer Friendly would be willing to come out to the school and give your class an intimidating lecture about what happens to thieves.

He can't speak to Laverne and Shirley alone, of course, without their parents being there, but there's nothing stopping him f...See More
Mar 10, 2009
East End Long Islander NEVER punish the entire class for something like a student stealing. That's not a Group Crime (like being too noisy when you turn your back)......

YES, make the student apologize, IN WRITING, explaining what he/she did and why it is wrong. Don't do this in front of the class. It is a private issue between you and the child who did the deed...See More
Mar 11, 2009
Leah There is usually a reason why children lie. The following short article lists reasons
Mar 12, 2009
Leah Sorry, I posted a related article on my last post, but this is the one I was thinking of that lists reasons
Mar 12, 2009

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