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I am wanting to incorporate a multicultural/traveling around the world theme into my third grade classroom all year long, as this is one of our major units in social studies. I'm not looking for lesson plans necessarily, but more bulletin board ideas. Any ideas would be much appreciated!

Some ideas for bulletin board titles (but no thoughts on what to display): Learning takes you places Look who's traveling to third grade A world of learning in third grade Traveling to new heights
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Cybrary Man On the Multicultural page on my website I have several suggested activities that you might want to try:

Multicultural Celebration [link removed]

Map of World with Flags for Student and Teacher Country Origins I put up a map of the world and connected yarn from the countries where students and staff members came from to the flag of...See More
Mar 14, 2009
k Great ideas! Thank you for including the picture! :)
Mar 15, 2009
Dianne On 3/12/09, k wrote: > I am wanting to incorporate a multicultural/traveling > around the world theme into my third grade classroom all > year long, as this is one of our major units in social > studies. I'm not looking for lesson plans necessarily, but > more bulletin board ideas. Any ideas would be much > appreciated! > > ...See More
Mar 18, 2009
k Thanks!
Mar 18, 2009
jay On 3/18/09, k wrote: > Thanks! I read about someone making up a passport for each student and stamping it as the students learned about each country. I thought that was cute.

For bulletin boards, maybe something with a passport theme. Or maybe something with superlatives--the highest mountain, the tallest building, the longest river, t...See More
Mar 18, 2009

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