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I have a parent that since the beginning of the year has driven me nuts. Ever since we met and the principal stated we needed to have his son evaluated for a learning disability he has driven me crazy. Some examples:

1. He will go into my room even if I'm not there and start going through his son's desk, graded papers, etc. to find work his son is missing. 2. He pops in unexpectedly at least 2 times a week during my planning and consumes the entire 45 minutes to ask questions about work we've went over, did we do this, that, or the other. Why can his son not turn in late work, etc. The entire time I feel like I'm defending why I do things the way I do. 3. I've started FREE tutoring for his child (and others) and simply asked them to be picked up by 4:30. He comes in later and later. Now he's coming in 15 minutes late and cleaning out his son's desk, having him correct his work, etc. I've actually had to ask him to leave so I can. 4. He calls me at home, on the weekend to ask a...See More
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Ms. Jones the in-house expert on nutty, desperate Dads Some people are tougher than others to be sure. And of course you're defending the way you do things or see it as marketing - you're trying to sell him on your approach - but the reality is that you likely feel defensive. Do you have room for compromise? Hard to compromise with people we think might be nuts but when we are called to task and have n...See More
Apr 1, 2009
At the very least, get caller ID and use it Don't answer when the guy calls your house.

When he e-mails you, wait a day or two before you respond. If he's sent three messages by then, respond to only one of them, and don't write him a novel. "Please refer to the class website" or something similar should be sufficient. (If you don't want crazy animals showing up at your door, stop f...See More
Apr 1, 2009
Anonymous for this My principal knows everything, has been involved in several of > our conferences, I copy her on every email I send to him now, and > I'm always talking to her about the situation. Whatever she says > to do, I do. She has dealt with this man for 3 years and know > how demanding he is.

If the principal has dealt with the man for ...See More
Apr 2, 2009
Teach Do not meet with him alone! Require him to set up an appointment once a week with the principal, psychologist, counselor, etc. I like one post that said to refer him to your website. Also, I like the suggestion that you send a memo to all parents announcing your procedures for turning in homework, classwork, deadlines for makeup work, etc. Send tho...See More
Apr 5, 2009
NJ/4th Two words of advice: document everything!

I'm going through a very difficult year, but with a co-teacher. I learned quickly to document conversations, save emails, save copies of work, etc. If you haven't already, start a folder and document everything. Sometimes, when it's your word against his, documentation is all you can rely on. Good...See More
Apr 9, 2009

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