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I've taught every grade imaginable including special ed. but never 5th grade. I will be moving from 4th to 5th and will be mainly looping. That is a positive because I love my class. I am just SO nervous because it is unknown to me. Any advice would be appreciated!

JAM, teaching a 4/5 right now! You will LOVE 5th. The social studies is US History, which is so much fun-- you should buy the Colonial Boston Storybath book! Math is all abotu fractions. You just take them from where they are and keep going. It is really fun to do the 'higher' math, I think.

When your 4th graders get to 5th, they will be the same kiddos, but a just a l...See More
Mar 15, 2009
5thgradetch This was my first year teaching 5th grade. My eight previous years were spent between first and second graders. I loved younger grades so much and was extremely worried when I was asked to move to 5th grade. I have to say that I have enjoyed teaching 5th grade very much, yet still nervous about the upcoming EOG's (my first experience with standardi...See More
Mar 21, 2009
Melissa Haha, I wish MY fifth graders wouldn't tattle! I moved from third to fifth, and also didn't think I would enjoy it as much...but like the other posters have said, they are so much more independent. They love projects and are able work in groups (while staying on task). There are so many lessons you can do that you wouldn't have been able to do befo...See More
Mar 21, 2009

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