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I'm posting in several places on T-Net in hopes of catching all who might be able to contribute!

Do you have some easy to implement ideas for helping students/classes to demonstrate positive behaviors in the elementary school cafeteria? What kinds of strategies have your schools used that help students follow rules and actually EAT instead of talk/yell and goof around? I'm looking for things that will not be too much work for teachers who are on duty during lunch (usually two teacher with approx. 150 - 175 kids at a time). THANKS, in advance, for your thoughts!

Emmy Do they sit by classrooms?

We have the Silver Spoon Award (a cafeteria spoon decorated with ribbons of school colors) that is awarded to the class that displays the best manners for the month.

We play outdoors right after lunch and the quietest table gets to leave first.

They are enlarging the cafeteria so even MORE pe...See More
Mar 19, 2009
teacherMom Thank you for your help, Emmy.

I love the silver spoon award idea! I really like the "bonus resource" idea too - - I keep trying to think of a reward that will cost little or nothing but be meaningful to the kids, and I think that's it!

Yes, one of our primary problems is the lack of consistency with rotating teachers on duty. E...See More
Mar 21, 2009
Steve On 3/21/09, teacherMom wrote: > Thank you for your help, Emmy. > I think this is one of our myths in teaching. Kids can quiet down and instantly for one teacher a second after the non-meanies leave the room. Every teacher has a different personality and a different way of going about classroom management. I've seen kids run wild in one teache...See More
Mar 23, 2009

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