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Hello! I received a Smart document camera last week. I already have a Smart board which I use in my daily teaching and love. I would love to know what others do with their Smart document camera. So far, I have used my to take pictues of our daily language work and we correct it together on the smartboard. I take pictures of text we are reading and have student come up and highlight key words as we read. I have taken pictures of pictures in the text and blown them up so we can look closely at them and discuss what we see. I would love any ideas others are doing with the camera.
Diane5 REad picture books under it.

my favorite is to show off student work, pointing out things done right, also sometimes I showcase poor work, hiding the name, to let them know what is unacceptable. Lay an overhead over their work (or any workpage) and you can edit your heart out, do part of a page together, and not harm the original document...See More
Mar 23, 2009

Teacher Chatboards


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Language Arts

Foreign Language