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Anyone thinking about or planning to change careers? If so, why?
Absolutely! I am absolutely considering a career change for one reason and one reason only...TESTING!!! The high-stakes testing world we live in has taken the teaching out of education. Too many schools, mine included, are no longer teaching students the skills they need to succeed in life, but rather the skills they need to find the right answer on a test. Te...See More
Mar 23, 2009
5thgrade I agree! I am considering changing careers for a few reasons. One is the testing. It really crushes me when I am told stop teaching social studies, the tests are coming up( 2 months away). I feel like we can't do projects or anything fun at all because then we would be "off task." I also feel like all creativity is being taken away from teachers. I...See More
Mar 24, 2009
paulaj I have three years till retirement, so I'm not considering changing, but if I weren't close to retiring, I'd change. I'd go back to waitressing or almost anything if I could know I'd be able to live on social security alone.
Mar 25, 2009

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