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Scholastic News is interested in publishing their charts and articles to coincide with the time you teach certain 5th grade subjects. I help them as an adviser, and get some free magazines for my classroom.

I teach the exploration of America, then we get to the Pilgrims at Thanksgiving. Our Open Court unit is the American Revolution, and we teach that in March, so I make sure I finish the colonies and slavery in December/Jan/Feb.

Then we are Moving West in Open Court, and I throw in some Ellis Island and inventors too. What is your schedule that you follow?

For math, our district has us first teach place value, decimals and multiplication/division, then we teach decimals/fractions/percents, but only with a sense of 5/10 = 50%. After that we move on to a huge fraction unit, geometry unit, algebra with linear equations, and finally probability is touched on before I review for May state testing.What is your schedule that you follow?

Your help in sh...See More
JAM Social Studies at my school: September: Maps October-December: Explorers, Colonization January- March: Events leading to Independence April-June: Revolution, Founding Principles and Documents

In May we also have to do our state's CBA (curriculum-based assessment, like the state test but it's a written project done in class over a few weeks...See More
Mar 27, 2009

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