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So I found out that I am moving to 4th grade next year which is departmentalized - to teach science!

I currently teach Kindergarten which I have taught for 6 years!

I am mildly freaking out!

I printed off my state standards and am checking out the curriculum which is nearly nonexistant!

NJ/4th I teach fourth grade Language Arts, so I don't know too much about Science curriculum. In my state Science is on the state tests, but that's all I really know.

Fourth graders are sweethearts! They love to help, are curious to learn, and still listen to their parents and teachers. Fourth grade is a pivotal year. Students are expected to app...See More
Mar 31, 2009
DR Hello! I went from first to fourth, and I am really enjoying it. It's a change, and it took me a while to get use to it, but it's going well. I do all parts of the curriculum, so I wish I had enough time to do more science, but I actually found the textbook to be helpful to a certain degree. Perhaps you could get hold of the teacher's edition to go...See More
Mar 31, 2009
karma Hi Tessa,

I did almost the same thing. I went from 13 years of teaching K to 4th grade self contained and then I taught 4th grade science one year. We are back to self contained again this year. Anyway.........the first day of 4th grade when the kids came into the room and sat down and started to work on their packet I had ready for them, ...See More
Apr 3, 2009
science4th Hi Tessa, I teach fourth grade science and don't get to spend NEAR the time I would like..(I also teach math and s.s.

My first suggestion is I would decide whether you are going to use the textbook or do units. You may do both. If you are going to rely heavily on the textbook, it is very important to teach your students how to read this. I...See More
Apr 4, 2009

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