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I teach fourth grade Language Arts and teach a two hour block two times a day (with a different group of kids). Overall I have about 40 students. Our school recently adopted the Harcort Reading series which includes guided reading and literacy centers, in addition whole class instruction. This series supports the 6+1 writing traits. This is my first time back in Language Arts after teaching another subject area for several years.

My question is, in this type of classroom - where only Language Arts is taught - how much writing do your students do? What kinds of writing do they do? I'm thinking ahead to next year and am trying to gather ideas now. I've read about the Writer's Notebook and think that would be a great way for students to write freely and without the threat of massive revisions. I would also like to have the students write four "big" pieces a year: descriptive, persuasive, expository, and narrative.

I want to make writing a more natural part of the studen...See More

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