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I teach 5th grade at an inner city Catholic school. My pay is not much. Out of the blue I got an offer to interview at a public school for much more $$$ also teaching 5th grade.

I am confident I would get this job as I am highly experienced and qualified. The problem is I like my job but work for a principal that should have retired a long time ago.

He is closed minded to suggestions. My passion is to teach middle school social studies and not be self contained teaching 7 subjects like I do now. He said he likes who is in place, but maybe I could do it in a couple of years. I also used to teach middle school (dosen't make sense).

Also, he laid off 2 people due to budget cuts. No one is getting a raise next year. I figure if I get an offer I could ask nicely that he grant my request to at least teach middle school.

Any suggestions - I'm conflicted. I like the school and $$$ isn't everything, but the prep time for all the subjects I'm teaching is killi...See More

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