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Over the summer I'm getting a Promethean board in my room...I'm super excited about it too! I have used a Smartboard in the past and I know that it is similar to this but so much better than that also. I was looking around on their website and have registered for Promethean Planet and where you can also take some classes on how to use their programs. I was wondering if someone would be able to tell me which software package would I more than likely get with my board to use. I haven't been up to my school in several weeks....I know that the board is up on my wall and looks like it just has to be plugged in to my computer but other than that I'm not sure what software will go with it. The two that were mentioned on the website were ActivStudio and Activprimary....do you know which one I would more likely end up with? I guessed and tried to take one of the classes but it says that the software must be on your computer and it's definitely not on my one at home....so if you know which one I...See More
Heather/3/OH Hi Erin! CONGRATULATIONS on getting an Activboard! You will LOVE it! I've had one a couple years and I'm addicted to it. You will get ActivStudio with your board. Actually if it's on your wall, then the software is at your school. Ask whoever is installing the board to give you the software after it's installed on your school computer because you a...See More
Jun 27, 2008
Beth On 6/26/08, Erin wrote: > Over the summer I'm getting a Promethean board in my > room...I'm super excited about it too! I have used a > Smartboard in the past and I know that it is similar to > this but so much better than that also. I was looking > around on their website and have registered for Promethean > Planet and where you ...See More
Jun 27, 2008
Erin Heather, I talked with the lady at my school who is in charge of our technology stuff. Do I have to wait for my site to load the software first before I can do it at home or not? Just curious as to your opinion and I can't seem to find an answer on their website. I'm so pumped about working with my Activboard this year I can't stand it and want to ...See More
Jul 18, 2008
Heather/3/OH Erin,

You do not have to wait for your school to load the software before loading it at home. Grab those disks and get them installed so you can play! :-) If you haven't been to Prometheanplanet.com yet, make sure you check it out. All of us ACTIVaddicts hang out there. haha


On 7/18/08, Erin wrote: > Heather, ...See More
Jul 27, 2008

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