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Hi, everyone! I got the approval to request an interactive whiteboard and accompanying equipment. I really wanted a SMARTboard because I've already created lessons using the SMARTNotebook software and been given alot of templates from other teachers using the SMARTNotebook software. What are the pros of using the Mimio? What are the cons? What does the SMARTboard offer that the Mimio doesn't? Does the Mimeo have a way to convert Notebook files to Mimeo files? Our tech person said the Mimeo is VERY SIMILAR to the SMARTboard or Promethean, but the Mimeo is just more cost effective. I need to know if they really are as similar as the SMARTboard or Promethean or am I trying to be convinced that it is because of the cost factor? Please, please comment because I have to make a decision based on what I've been told and I need to know if I should go ahead and request it or hold out for a SMARTboard. I would sincerely appreciate any guidance you can give me.

Thanks, Roni
Marc Roni,

MimioStudio 7 allows you to open those SmartNotebook files inside the Mimio software. The Mimio website has lots of good information about the product, as well as some training videos and software downloads. As a Mimio reseller I would also suggest contacting your local reseller and asking for a free demonstration. It's a great way t...See More
Jan 17, 2011
Lindsey Hi Roni,

Hi Roni,

Hold out for a SMART Board! Like most things, you get what you pay for. SMART, the most trusted name in educational technology is the only provider of SMART Notebook Software. You say that you’ve used it before, so you know it’s unique design and delivery features. SMART Notebook software also connects you to...See More
Jan 20, 2011

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