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Our boards are on their rolling stands and the projectors are placed on a table or cart or whatever you can come up with. The laptop is next to the projector. Problem: To back the table up far enough to get a large image on the board one uses up an inordinate amount of already precious little classroom space. With 25 to 30 kids, it's crowded!

Has anyone found a better way? They will NOT be installing the projectors on the ceiling as they should be so forget doing it right.
Walt On 4/24/09, Cindy wrote: > Our boards are on their rolling stands and the projectors > are placed on a table or cart or whatever you can come up > with. The laptop is next to the projector. Problem: To back > the table up far enough to get a large image on the board > one uses up an inordinate amount of already precious little > c...See More
Jun 25, 2009

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