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Hi, I will be teaching in a departmentalized setting this year and thought that each child having their own canvas tote bag would be the easiest way for the kids to carry around all of their necessary supplies. What I was wondering was what size bag you think I should be looking and where and the world I could find them that's not going to cost me a small fortune. I know they are out there because I have seen others with them but would really like to try and get them before school starts and not waiting until school starts to order them with my school money. Any ideas would be helpful....thanks! :)

Lorraine Have you checked Oriental trading? They have canvas tote bags that are pretty inexpensive. You can also check Walmart in the craft section or even a craft store. ~Lorraine

On 7/12/08, HELP PLEASE!!!....Erin wrote: > Hi, > I will be teaching in a departmentalized setting this > year and thought that each child having their own can...See More
Jul 12, 2008
Linda Peterson On 7/12/08, HELP PLEASE!!!....Erin wrote: > How about those cloth grocery bags. Maybe a grocery store will donate them or give you a discount. Linda
yesterday, 2008

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