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Pernicious Shame of “Third World” Citizens
Hillol Ray
Garland, Texas, U.S.A.
Web Sites: [link removed]

Peace always reflects the political balance
Reached at the point when the fightings end-
And it’s a mixture of victor’s justice or an agreement
To induce the vanquished to bend!
Prejudice, on the other hand, is an old taint
That paints the world with color and hue-
And it’s common with a vision of intolerance
That’s scarring our societies in public view!
This is deeply troubling in itself, as well as a hindrance
To the development of human race-
And it’s also a breeding ground for armed conflict
And terrorism, growing on the Earth’s face!

We tend to see “others” as foreign, malicious,
And sometimes a nuisance on our land-
And try to build up an array of laws, institutions,
And watchdogs with a power band!
People born in a “Third World” country
Tend...See More

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