I have been researching these programs, and I would like to try and help schools take advantage of what is essentially free money - that said, I've hit a bit of writer's block on the marketing side...
I can't see my first response. You should check out eBay ID sggaudreau. She runs a successful shopping rewards program in MA for schools and other local programs and is sharing her model and experience. She is super nice and very helpful. I would look to her for any help you need. I can't stop thinking of running this type of business myself.
This is a fundraising idea that I am going to promote to my local PTO, as I am I have a little one entering kindergarten, that could raise significant funds for your projects and promote local businesses.
This past year I started a project where I promote local businesses to travelers that would otherwise not know about a business prior to arriving in a city, etc. The site allows users to create custom travel guides with only those listings that you want to include in a trip, as well as lets people do a quick search in a city...if they are trying to plan a night out on the town, etc. The site is [link removed].
When the site launched I was strictly using Sales people and paying commissions for listings sold, and am now considering moving it into a Fundraiser type of environment too. Essentially companies get a listing in the online city guide for 5 years, and the ads only cost $200 (essentially 11 cents a day). We have been paying commissions of $100 for any listings that have been sold. If there is a teacher, or group, that would like to discuss selling these listings as a fundraiser I will be happy to pay $125 for every listings sold. Drop me a line at [email removed]]
If Your group or organization has decided to host a Fundraiser this year
TRY A Tupperware Fundraiser this year. This is a great way for your group to raise funds ( 40% of your retail sales) while providing a reusable, environmentally safe, and lifetime guaranteed products. In an effort to be as cost and environmentally friendly as possible—
First of all, I do everything for you… It doesn’t take any time for you and your staff members. I put together packets according to how many families are involved. I give your organization two or three weeks to accumulate orders. I want to stress this is not a door-to-door service or sale. It’s strictly what mom and dad and favorite friends want to buy in the convenience of their own home. The parents love this because they don’t have to go to parities. I come back on a designated day, and pick up all the orders. I order out the Tupperware and package it individually. I deliver your profit check with the Tupperware. This is the most low-pressure fundraiser you will ever have and it is a quick, easy way to make money, as your major fundraiser or in between your major fundraisers.
I look forward to talking to you soon Thank you for your support God Bless
And consider this… 􀂊 No up-front bulk purchases! 􀂊 No cost to the organization! 􀂊 No inventory to store! 􀂊 No after the sale sorting or collection! 􀂊 Traceability and accountability with the monies! 55+ years of proven quality backed by the Tupperware lifetime guarantee! No other fundraiser can compare!
(1) Glow Scented Candles provides each of your participants a single sales order
form listing all aroma selections. Participants take orders for a suggested 2-week period. Customers are requested to pay when ordering. All checks should be made payable to your organization. Participants then turn in orders and all funds to your appointed Director. Just email me your physical address and how many brochures you would like. Then we will get them right out UPS to you.
*Selling price for our 10oz size is $13.00
1 to 99 candle orders ----40% profit margin
100 to 2,999 candle orders----50% profit margin
3,000 or more----55% profit margin
(2) Orders are then transferred to our simple Master Order Form (provided) then faxed, emailed or mailed to Glow Scented Candles.
(3) Candles are then shipped within 10 to 14 business days after payment is received in our Sales Office.
Pre-Sorted Orders
Free Shipping!
(minimum 24 candles)
Have a wonderful day! I look forward to hearing from you. ----- Julie Higgins Email: [email removed]
We would like to team up with your school and introduce our one-of-a-kind service to parents and for each family that enrolls, we will donate $40 back to your school. Imagine, if your school had 1,000 children enrolled and just 10% of the families (100) enroll in our program, that would be a combined net profit of $4,000 raised for you school. Therefore it would be a win-win situation for all: the school generates a nice profit and we protect the children of our community.
Most parents don’t know that I.D. cards, fingerprints, DNA kits, the Amber Alert and tracking devices do nothing, what-so-ever, to prevent their child from becoming missing. WE DO!
We hope that by sharing this information with you that we can add each of you to the growing list of parents who are doing the right thing and educating their children to help protect them against these dangers. We also hope that we can count on you to help us to expose this important information to the other parents in the community.
Below is a brief description of our services. I would highly encourage you to log onto our website at [link removed].
1. Is your child’s safety important to you? Would you like to help put child predators out of business?
According to the National Center for Missing Children, over 10,000 of every 1 million children will become missing this year (40% will never be found), that’s a 1 in 100 chance your child will become missing, that’s the National statistic. Child Shield, U.S.A. has marketed over 1 million of their child safety programs and has only ever had 2 reported missing, both recovered safely.
2. I’m sure you would want your child in the second group, right?
A lot of parents think “it will never happen to me”, that’s music to the child molesting predator’s ears, in fact that’s something you hear from every parent of a missing child, “I talked to my child, I thought it could never happen to me “. Ignorance won’t protect your child, educating them will. Most parents have heard of ID programs, fingerprints, DNA kits, the Amber Alert and most recently tracking devises, but don’t realize that none of these do anything, what-so-ever to “prevent” their child from becoming missing.
3. If we don’t educate our children with the latest information, they’ll continue to be at risk, does that make sense to you?
Child Shield, U.S.A. has the ONLY guaranteed, proven missing child prevention program available with over 18 years of statistics to back it up. The program also includes the only ongoing, extensive educational program available to keep parents informed of the latest tricks child molesting predators are using. We can say factually, since the company was founded, we have prevented over 10,000 children from becoming missing.
4. Wouldn’t you agree that if you’re going to spend even a minute educating your child that you should use a program proven to work?
We are so confident in our prevention program that if your child becomes missing, for any reason, Child Shield, U.S.A. will put up a reward of $50,000 , pay for a full- time Private Investigator, duplicate both video and posters and distribute them Nationwide, all at no additional cost. There is no other company or Law Enforcement organization that will provide the benefits, to you, that Child Shield, U.S.A. will. To date we have a 100% safe recovery rate.
5. If your child was missing wouldn’t it be comforting to have all these resources available at no additional cost to you?
Being that we deal with the safety of children, credibility is paramount. Child Shield, U.S.A. has been in business for over 18 years, you may have seen the founder on Oprah. We have numerous endorsements from Law Enforcement officials, Government officials and TV personalities such as John Walsh and Ed McMahon.
6. Is credibility important to you?
It is to us too. Most, but not all companies are allowed to have membership in the BBB. A few of those are given permission to advertise with the BBB logo. Tom Collier, president of the BBB says those companies are, “part of an elite, one that is trusted by consumers”.
7. Wouldn’t it be nice to only do business with those elite companies?
Child Shield, U.S.A. is such a company. They’re also the only child safety company to ever receive the National Parenting Center Seal of Approval.
8. When it comes to protecting your children, I would only deal with the best, wouldn’t you?
To protect your child there is a one time, LIFETIME enrollment fee of only $199 per family and just $15 per month to keep the service in force. This protects all your children up to age 18 and college students living at home up to age 22. Now think for a minute what your car insurance costs, your cell phone, cable TV, internet service. These are things most of us spend money on every month, month after month.
9. Wouldn’t you agree your child’s safety is more important than any of these?
The service is less expensive than any of those, you could say it’s priceless, you can’t put a price on the safety of your children. You’ve probably heard that parents of a missing child would rather know their child was dead than not knowing where they are and being tortured by some child molesting predator. There is only 1 thing that I can think of that is worse that having a missing child, that’s having a missing child, knowing there was a program to prevent it and not have done anything about it. And with Child Shield, U.S.A. you are not only protecting your own child with the only guaranteed, proven, program available, you are also helping to put child molesting predators out of business.
Here’s how you can help. We will provide you with a supply of our custom written cover letter to the parents, along with about two documents that explains our service, along with the enrollment form. All we ask is that you agree to drop off the appropriate number of packets to each classroom, and then stop back in one week to collect the orders for the Child Shield Kits. As our way of showing you our appreciation for your assistance, we would like to offer your organization/school a donation of forty (40) dollars for every child registered with the help of your organization. Can we count on you for your support?
PS. In the letter addressed to the parents, we will also be directing them to visit our website where they can view the entire 12 minute professional video presentation. From that point, they can either sign up right there on the website or simply complete the enrollment form that was sent home in the packet and return it within one week. It’s as easy as that.
If you have any questions, please either call or email. I would be happy to email anyone the exact documents that would be sent home to the parents, along with the enrollment form, if interested.
Tim Morgan Project Child Shield 386-330-6421 Email: [email removed]]
Everyone buys groceries,and everyone buys gas,why not help your supporters save money monthly,while raising money for your group.If you donated $30.00 to my project and I gave you $300 in Free Groceries or Gas,would you donate to my cause? Of course you would...
In todays struggling economy non-profits are loosing volunteers and donors due to the high cost of gas and groceries. We have a solution for you that makes good sense.
Free Gas&Grocery Promotions can be used anywhere in the United States and there is no cost to you for participating in this fundraising program.
How it works...
1. Donors give you a one time $30.00 donation and they choose either the gas or grocery promotion.
2.Donor selects a specific gas brand (shell.exxon.mobile etc.)or (Kroger,Randall's,HEB etc.) All gas brands and grocery stores are available. They buy from that selected brand and collect $100.00 in receipts monthly and mail them into our redemption center monthly. Our redemption center then mails them a $25.00 Visa per month for 12 monthes=$300 Visa cards can be used anywhere.
3. This is a Customer Loyalty program geared to keeping customers supporting the same brand stores.
4. Registering for the program is easy and safe.
We represent 1000's of companies and organizations nationally,have been in business for 22 years and have an A+ rating with the BBB.
Companies using our program...
Boy Scouts of America Heart For Autism YMCA Kidz IDZ Sears Curves nationwide Mr.Transmission nationwide
1.People need creative ways to save money 2.Organizations are loosing donors and volunteers due to gas prices and high food cost. 3.People want to help others...if they can 4.Everyone eats,and buys gas
Call Today for more information,or email me at [email removed].
Much Success, Diane Howard 281-820-3360 [email removed]
I'll tell you why I like it: It's straight-to-the-point and largely geared to school environments (colleges and non-colleges alike). Also, they're not trying to sell you anything.
Keep up the good work, everyone, and good luck fundraising!
The next time your group or organization needs to raise funds, look no further than the Veterans Flag Depot! We offer only high quality American Made flags and flagpoles that are just perfect for your next fundraiser. We have supplied these very same items to various civic as well as veteran organizations with great results.
I came across this site today and WOW!!! This is what I've been looking for... a safe way for my kids to explore the internet without me clicking every link...
If you want a FREE safe internet option for your classroom, computer room, etc. check out [link removed]
I can't see my first response. You should check out eBay ID sggaudreau. She runs a successful shopping rewards program in MA for schools and other local programs and is sharing her model and experience. She is super nice and very helpful. I would look to her for any help you need. I can't stop thinking of running this type of ...See More