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I'm a second grade teacher and also an Independant
Consultant for Tupperware... Right know before Aug 1st if
you decide to join this Fundraising you can get 50% in
commissions but after that only 40%...If you want to
receive a free catalog with information you can go to my
website and request one.

My website is [link removed]
mendosa /blockquote>

On 7/07/04, mendoza wrote:
> I'm a second grade teacher and also an Independant
> Consultant for Tupperware... Right know before Aug 1st if
> you decide to join this Fundraising you can get 50&37; in
> commissions but after that only 40&37;...If you want to
> receive a free catalog...See More
Jul 7, 2004
thanks /blockquote>

On 7/07/04, mendoza wrote:
> I'm a second grade teacher and also an Independant
> Consultant for Tupperware... Right know before Aug 1st if
> you decide to join this Fundraising you can get 50&37; in
> commissions but after that only 40&37;...If you want to
> receive a free catalog...See More
Aug 11, 2004
Nat Adams /blockquote>

I'm a teacher/Dean at Desert HS on Edwards Air Force Base. I
also coach football. The head coach here is very proactive when
it comes to fund raising. One of the more successful
fundraisers he has done is selling tupperware. You just don't
see many football players selling tupperware. You not only get
gr...See More
Nov 11, 2004

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