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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I'm looking for ideas about a business for a high school
class of students with mental impairments. We do not need
a fundraiser! I want to start an actual hands on business
to give the students work experience as well as generate
income for field trips and other programs.
The biggest challenge is that we can not sell candy or
other food items, and we have no $ to start with (or very
little IF we can get the school board to approve a
proposal for funding). Traditional fundraisers don't work
because my kiddos can not function on their own to take
orders etc.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Caroleza /blockquote>

I teach an Autism Class at the high school level in Florida
and we got permission to wash the school staff's cars on a
weekly basis. We went to the PTA for inital funds to
purchase the hoses, nozzles, soap, etc. First, of course we
went to the administration and explained our plan...

On 7/26/04, Cr...See More
Jul 21, 2005

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