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Tired of the same old fundraisers? Frustrated when every school in the area is doing the same fundraiser at the same time?

Forget selling candles, candy bars, popcorn, giftwrap, and raffle tickets. In today's economy, people are spending very carefully. Most are hesitant to simply 'donate' (write a check) or 'buy tickets' when they don't have anything tangible to show for it. However, no matter what the economy, grocery shopping remains constant. And for those with dietary restrictions (food allergies, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc), they still have to keep those in mind.

I've worked with Relay for Life (cancer group), Avon Breast Cancer Walk, Junior Miss scholarship program, PTOs, church groups, and Women's Clubs who have all successfully raised funds with me.

In today's day and age with health awareness, dietary restrictions and food allergies, we are a very easy 'sell' so to speak (no additives, no preservatives, no MSG, no food dyes, no transfats, NO ...See More

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