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100 members sell 20 candles....your organization just made $10,800!

It's that easy with Home & Garden Fund-Raising!

Hi, my name is Tamara Myers and I am with Home and Garden Fund-Raising!

We have a great fundraiser that has helped many organizations raise money for there individual needs. Whether you need money for new equipment, computers, books, uniforms, field trips, can raise the money you need with our easy program.

Order forms are "FREE" Shipping is "FREE" "NO" contracts

No matter how many you sell, you will make money and not lose a thing!!!

All you have to do is sell and collect money, you keep your profits immediately, so there is no waiting for your money!

For a free information package and a free candle, just let me know where to send your information.

Hope to hear from you soon. [email removed]

Tamara Myers Making Fundraising Simple! 352-239-0565

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