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The best fundraiser there is, sell lottery calendars. Your local ink print shop can make them for about $100.00. However if you sell them for $5.00, and make the daily prize $50.00, then your profit is roughly $3400.00.If you sell them for $10.00 each and make the prizes $100.00 a day and $250.00 every Saturday, your profit would be appx $6400.00!! Keep in mind that these calendars correspond with the evening 3-digit lottery number. that gives every1 30 chances to win!!

Good Luck
Carla On 3/18/09, Lori wrote: > The best fundraiser there is, sell lottery calendars. Your > local ink print shop can make them for about $100.00. > However if you sell them for $5.00, and make the daily prize > $50.00, then your profit is roughly $3400.00.If you sell > them for $10.00 each and make the prizes $100.00 a day and > $250.0...See More
Mar 22, 2009

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