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Hello All,

This is a fundraising idea that I am going to promote to my local PTO, as I am I have a little one entering kindergarten, that could raise significant funds for your projects and promote local businesses.

This past year I started a project where I promote local businesses to travelers that would otherwise not know about a business prior to arriving in a city, etc. The site allows users to create custom travel guides with only those listings that you want to include in a trip, as well as lets people do a quick search in a city...if they are trying to plan a night out on the town, etc. The site is [link removed].

When the site launched I was strictly using Sales people and paying commissions for listings sold, and am now considering moving it into a Fundraiser type of environment too. Essentially companies get a listing in the online city guide for 5 years, and the ads only cost $200 (essentially 11 cents a day). We have been paying commissions of $...See More

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