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I run a in-home licensed daycare in Shelbyville, Indiana. I am also a full-time college student working on my associates degree in Early Childhood Education. I am looking for investors who might want to join me in opening a much needed 24 hour daycare center in Shelbyville. With the economy the way it is, there are less and less stay-at-home moms, which leaves a huge demand for daycare. The reason I want a 24 hour center, is because so many single moms work second or third shift, and can not find anyone who is licensed to care for their children. Alot of mom's qualify for childcare assistance, but without anyone who is eligible to receive it, they are left the choice of turning down, or quitting their jobs, or put these children in unregulated child care and self-pay the fees themselves. If any one knows of any grants, or investment partners, please let me know.

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