I am looking for pen pals for children in my class. They are 7 years old and would like to correspond in English. We would like to either exchange letters, emails and have Skype conversations. please contact us at the following email address
I'm an English Teacher from Sabah (North Borneo), Malaysia. I'm looking for pen pals for my students. They are 7-8 years old who are learning English as a Second language. They would like to exchange letters to help them with their English language acquisition. If you are interested, please contact me at wencyjelson@yahoo.com
IreneHi, Irene here. I am teaching English first and second language to 7,8,9 year old children in Maun, Botswana. We are looking for penpals to email and to send snail mail to, you can email me on inki.designs@gmail.com
Dear colleagues. Do you use any online platforms in your classes?(Any tools for finding and collaborating with penpals from other countries). In my classroom I found that cross-cultural exchanges are helping me to increase motivation and engagement of my students :) So I was wondering if there are more platforms I could use))
Hi there! I'm a primary school teacher in training looking for a class of 30 from Australia to correspond with my class of 30 boys aged 10-11 from Ireland, for 3 weeks starting on Monday 28th May! If you are interested please let me know!!
VirginiaHi Elise! I am a coordinator at a primary school in Argentina and I would like the 6th graders in my school to exchange with your 6 th graders. I am sending you my e mail address: profesora_campos@yahoo.com Thank you!
I'm an English teacher from Copenhagen, Denmark, looking for international pen pals for my 7th and 8th grade students, soon to be 8th and 9th grade (approx. 14-15 years old, 24 students each class).
My class would be very interested to exchange letters and videos with you. We rely on digital learning materials only and have easy access to computers.
Hi guys I work in a primary school in Victoria, Australia and we would love some non-English speaking or esl pen pals for kids ranging from ages 5-11. Please reply as we are looking at starting as soon as next week
VirginiaHi Ryan! I am a coordinator at a primary school in Argentina and I would like the children from my school to pen pal with yours. I am sending you my e mail address. profesora_campos@yahoo.com
Wency JHi Ryan. I'm an English Teacher from Sabah (North Borneo), Malaysia.My students are 7-8 years old and they're learning English as a second language. We would like to collaborate with the kids from your school to help them with English language acquisition. contact me at wencyjelson@yahoo.com. Thank you.
YusufHello, I am Yusuf. I am an English Language Teacher at a high school in Turkey. My students are aged 15-18 years. Most of them are ardent to have penpals from other countries. If you are interested, please write me. yusufsahan1982@gmail.com
I am an English language teacher from Malaysia. I am interested to collaborate with another classroom to help my students improve their writing. My students are 11 year olds who are learning English as a second language. Please email me at yanafarinna@gmail.com if you are interested. Thanks.