Pen Pals
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Hi I teach a grade 3 and 4 class at a Foreign National School in China and I am looking for pen pals for my students. I have 15 - boys and girls who are in need of a new writing partner and friend. The students come from countries all over the world including the Middle East, Asia, India, Africa and South America to name a few. For most of them English is a 2nd or 3rd language as most of the students are also in the process of learning Chinese and Aribic on top of their native languages. Message me if you feel your class would be a good fit.
Paula On 3/08/17, Kimberly wrote: > Hi I teach a grade 3 and 4 class at a Foreign National > School in China and I am looking for pen pals for my > students. I have 15 - boys and girls who are in need of a > new writing partner and friend. The students come from > countries all over the world including the Middle East, Asia, > India, Af...See More
yesterday, 2017

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Language Arts

Foreign Language