Pen Pals
22 Members

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I live in French Polynesia (South Pacific) and I teach English to pupils aged 12-14 in a school situated on a small island near Bora-Bora. I am looking for penpals for my students (preferably snail mail) to talk about everyday life, activities and other subjects. I have 6 classes of 24 pupils who would love to correspond with pupils from the US, UK, New Zealand or Australia (once a month or every two months.)

Let me know if you are interested.

Thank you for your answer.
Erin Curlin Have you found anyone?! If not, emai me at
Aug 28, 2017
rosemary We have 6th grade students here in Harlem, GA, USA, who are looking for European pen pals. We will begin next week, and have the numbers most likely to have one set write to yours up until Christmas (about 50-60 students) then another set write to yours Jan or Feb-May. Please reply to
Sep 11, 2017
Yusuf Hello, I am Yusuf. I am an English Language Teacher at a high school in Turkey. My students are aged 15-18 years. Most of them are ardent to have penpals from other countries. If you are interested, please write me.
Dec 22, 2017
Virginia HI! I am a coordinator of ESL at a primary school in Argentina. The idea is that our students write letters via e-mail. You can contact me at
Jan 16, 2018

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