Class Pets
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I started giving Nemo Maracyn two but i just noticed that
the expiry date on the medicine was 5th month 06 ,Crap
man ,it came from PJ's pet's in Pickering Ont,Does any one
know if I should keep on giving it to him until i can
exchange it ? or should I discontinue treatment ? I have
him in a hospital tank and he seems to be hanging ON.I fed
him some frozen pea's today which he had a hardy appetite
for and he also eat dried blood worm or two but he is
bloated and has trouble with his balance and look's
uncomfortable,Well that's it for today if some one has an
Idea about any thing I would be glad to here from
you ,thank's Richard .
Aimee /blockquote>

Don't worry about the expiration date-- it only means the meds are slightly less
potent (just like with human meds). They don't go "bad." You may continue to
use it. I like to use baby food peas-- so much easier than the frozen ones and
it is difficult to find a frozen pea without sodium (which you don't want to...See More
Nov 12, 2006

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