Hi all! Ive been reading the messages posted on this site for about 3 years. I am always quite pleased by the advice offered, so I thought Id try it for myself. Currently, I have a 2nd grader in my class who continues to make reversals. While I understand that writing reversals are developmental, I would like to put in place some strategies to assist her in this area as well. Specifically, she reverses her 3, 5, and b, d. Any ideas concerning this matter? Please let me know. All help is appreciated!
Please purchase and read SHINE ANNIE. It is a distinct historical novel that has been compared to the writings of Zora Neale Hurston. Copies may be bought in bookstores and on the Internet.
I am fascinated with marketing because I love to persuade and analyze new ideas. If I spoke these words aloud, many people would scratch their heads and appear confused. At first glance, this statement appears absurd. On a closer look, however, it makes perfect sense.
When I work on twirling stunts, I must operate within a large space outside a building, taking extreme care to amaze the audience with my sophisticated routine. As a marketer, I will also perform my duties within the largest of spaces, using analysis and tactics to deliver the positioning on that product.
Of course, there is a crucial distinction between creating a twirling stunt and providing marketing strategies. While both fields allow me to employ my manual skills, only one has the significant interpersonal component that I seek in a career. While I am grateful to be a baton twirler who motivates and amazed the audience while performing, I have far more gratitude to the marketer, who having a solid understanding of customers means having a solid understanding about how customers behave, their motivations, their perceptions and preferences.
To glimpse the daily duties of a marketer, I spent this summer actively acquiring research in several branches of marketing. For one week, I shadowed two marketers in general practice, both offering tips about being competitive and customer tactics. I learnt to make decisions by working with marketers and professors for two weeks and spent several days observing activity at Banco Popular and Remax department. I also attended marketing lectures on a marketing strategies course held at University of the Virgin Islands.
These experiences further convinced me that marketing is the profession that correctly combines my entertainer aptitude with my desire for interpersonal interaction. Observing each marketer, I concluded that a common thread of skills united them all, regardless of their speciality: each marketer worked well on a team, exercised strong leadership skills and possessed the ability to communicate clearly and precisely.
Through my volunteer activities, I have learned to connect with people from a variety of ages and social backgrounds. Volunteering at a Remax real estate, I used a soothing and friendly tone to put clients at ease. While also volunteering in the school store, I learned to gauge the profound understanding of their attitudes, their knowledge and their emotions. Without having this knowledge, the tactics of marketing are just blowing in the wind. For example, I discovered that thorough explanations often quelled the anxiety of those who appeared nervous about a business or personal situation.
Having attained honor roll certificates, I have the academic mettle to handle this demanding course. I also possess the flexible mind required to adapt to new advances in the field. Whether earning a winners trophy in CHS steel pan orchestra or first place in baton twirling or dancing quadrille for my school ensemble, I have readily embraced and excelled at new challenges.
Discussions with undergraduate marketing students have only reinforced my decision to pursue marketing. I embrace the opportunity to put my communication, academic and entertainer skills to use as I work to maintain the four p’s of marketing product, place, promotion and price at Florida Memorial University.
Are you using a program called Reading Through Writing for elementary level students? If so, please let me know how many sessions you allow for the completion of one assignment -- from brainstorming to publication.
Please send ideas for reading centers/4th grade. I'm in Florida with a 90 minute reading block. While I'm working with small groups, I'd like my other 12 children to work independently or buddy read using various activities in the room. I have 10 sentences, phonics work, listening center, and a few others. I can't use writing ideas or grammar work. Please help. Thanks